Quite a few years back, I worked with Greenberg Direct to create some #3Dmodels and #3Danimations for a direct response commercial that they were doing for a product called Zyppah RX. It was a dental appliance that helped increase the air flow of a person at night to reduce the amount of snoring.

Since the basic shape of the appliance is a “U”, that’s where I started. Using a text spline, I found a font in which the capital “U” closely matched the shape of the reference image, made it editable, and started moving the vertex points around until I got the rough shape in place. Initially, I was told that we’d never see a close up of the dental appliance, so it didn’t have to be photo realistic, and that allowed me to do some cheating. As long as I’ve been using Cinema 4D, I’ve never had a client say they want less 3D…and this job was no different. When the client saw the sample renders, they wanted to use the 3D dental appliance in more of the spot, so I had to go back to the drawing board and rebuild it in such a way that it could withstand the scrutiny of a 360 degree close-up shot.
In addition to the dental appliance, I had to model the case the dental appliance comes in (reference is on the left; 3D render is on the right in the image below).

It was the easiest thing to build (above). I started with a cube primitive and went from there. I did some basic XPResso rigging on the box and the dental appliance case. Here is a product shot animation with everything together.
I also created an #Element3D version of the dental appliance to use in conjunction with #TrapcodeParticular in #AfterEffects to create an animation simulating the path of the airflow through the dental appliance.
If you've made it through this article, then your reward is a free 3D model! And that free 3D model is the dental appliance case that I modeled! The great thing about the way I built the dental appliance case, is that you can replace the client logo with your own logo. The great thing about the way I built the dental appliance case, is that you can replace the client logo with your own logo. It's also rigged, so you can animate the case opening and closing. I recently re-visited the project and re-textured it for use in the #Octanerender.
