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Writer's picture: BenBen

Updated: Jun 8, 2019

Quite a few years back, I worked with Greenberg Direct to create some #3Dmodels and #3Danimations for a direct response commercial that they were doing for a product called Zyppah RX. It was a dental appliance that helped increase the air flow of a person at night to reduce the amount of snoring.

Zyppah mouth piece

Since the basic shape of the appli­ance is a “U”, that’s where I started. Using a text spline, I found a font in which the cap­i­tal “U” closely matched the shape of the ref­er­ence image, made it editable, and started mov­ing the ver­tex points around until I got the rough shape in place. Ini­tially, I was told that we’d never see a close up of the den­tal appli­ance, so it didn’t have to be photo real­is­tic, and that allowed me to do some cheat­ing. As long as I’ve been using Cin­ema 4D, I’ve never had a client say they want less 3D…and this job was no dif­fer­ent. When the client saw the sam­ple ren­ders, they wanted to use the 3D den­tal appli­ance in more of the spot, so I had to go back to the draw­ing board and rebuild it in such a way that it could with­stand the scrutiny of a 360 degree close-up shot.

In addi­tion to the den­tal appli­ance, I had to model the case the den­tal appli­ance comes in (ref­er­ence is on the left; 3D ren­der is on the right in the image below).

Zyppah Mouthpiece Case

Box that everything comes in.

It was the eas­i­est thing to build (above). I started with a cube prim­i­tive and went from there. I did some basic XPResso rig­ging on the box and the den­tal appli­ance case. Here is a prod­uct shot ani­ma­tion with every­thing together.

I also cre­ated an #Element3D ver­sion of the den­tal appli­ance to use in con­junc­tion with #TrapcodeParticular in #AfterEffects to cre­ate an ani­ma­tion sim­u­lat­ing the path of the air­flow through the den­tal appliance.

If you've made it through this article, then your reward is a free 3D model! And that free 3D model is the dental appliance case that I modeled! The great thing about the way I built the den­tal appli­ance case, is that you can replace the client logo with your own logo. The great thing about the way I built the den­tal appli­ance case, is that you can replace the client logo with your own logo. It's also rigged, so you can animate the case opening and closing. I recently re-visited the project and re-textured it for use in the #Octanerender.

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